The SoulJourney

Marcela Urban

When there is a trauma within a family, it affects not only current, but also the following generations. An unusual or difficult fate of a family member affects the whole family system.  Sometimes one person in a family sacrifices their best interests in an attempt to ease suffering of another family member. In trans-generational trauma we feel the effects of trauma that happened in our family even if we don't know the facts or circumstances.

In a Constellation we are bringing those unconscious dynamics to light, resulting in new insights, healing and relief for the client.

We are working towards reconnecting of disconnected relationships, including of excluded people or aspects, and let the life and love flow. We are also honoring the fate of our ancestors and separating from their burdens we sometimes unconsciously carry.

Issues we work with in Constellations are:

  • relationship issues
  • unexplained conditions
  • chronic symptoms
  • destructive patterns of behavior
  • feeling stuck in life
  • feeling unfulfilled and/or unhappy about our life
  • depression
  • medical conditions


Constellations were originally developed as a work in a group. They can also be facilitated in a private session, using figurines, foam mats or objects in place of representatives. I offer private sessions in one-on-one setting and group sessions in an online weekly format.

This work is deeply healing and transformative.

To reserve a session or for more information, please contact me at:

To learn more, click on the links below:

Click here for a short trailer about Constellations with illness. ​

It features work of one of my teachers, Stephan Hausner.

​​Family Constellations

Healing Inter-generational Trauma